Hai Blog,

giler lama x update. Bukan x nak tp malas nk bwatla. Ape2 pun, this time around, I will be rilex and sempoi and xde poyo2 sgt guna BM yg perfect.

Anyway, yesterday, semalam tgk movie ni Julie and Julia but unfortunately, just halfway through due to the internet yg lembap last night, dont know why.

Anyway, it's about Julie Powell bwat satu blog, die masak 524 recipes in 365 days from the book written by Julia Child. Isn't it interesting? I find it very interesting for me because I am like Julie Powell literally sebab she has problem with doing something. Always half way through like me. So, die setkan deadline utk blog die iaitu 365 hari. So, walau ape2 pun, die tetap akan selesaikan dlm mase setahun jugak. So, skrg ni rasenye nk ikut mcm ape yg die buat.

I will do my blog with a purpose, bukan casually do mcm if i want to do, i will do, vice versa, NO! But, still dont have any idea what to start. Xkanla nk masak mcm Julie Powell. Bahan2 xde pun lgpun bukan pandai masak sgt. Nk bwat ape lg eh? Entahla. Still ade bnyk mase nk pk (mayb kena set deadline gak utk pk ape benda nk bwat)

Harap2 akan berhasillah ye...
2 Responses

  1. Anonymous Says:

    masak la mcm dia..mana la tau dpt buat 365 resipi sethun..hehehe